At Levee Dental, we offer a wide range of denture services.
Immediate Dentures- This is when teeth need to be extracted and dentures delivered in the same day. Call us at 901-425-0444 for a free immediate denture consultation.
Replacement Dentures- If you have an old or worn out set of dentures you are looking to replace a denture we can help.
Levee Dental offers a wide range of affordable Denture and Partial Denture options. Call us at 901-425-0444 for any additional information or to set up a Free Consultation.
Dentures by Dr. Davis

Snap-in dentures provide a better quality of life with benefits such as more stability, less bulky dentures, more chewing power, and more. Snap-in dentures snap into dental implants which anchor the denture in place. This provides more chewing power and more stability when eating and speaking.
Regular dentures rest on the gums allowing for movement and sliding that can be frusterating. With snap-in dentures, this is greatly reduced or eliminated.
Snap in dentures snap or click onto implants which secures the denture allowing you to eat more of the foods you love.
As a general rule, snap-in upper dentures require a minimum of 4 implants while lower dentures require a minimum of 2 implants to help secure the denture.
PRICING: snap-in implant denture packages from $3999 with 2 lower implants and a lower denture.
From $5999 for 4 upper implants and an upper denture.
Implant Denture